Monday, August 2, 2010

Pee on the seat, pooping problems...and cant you just tell me what to do???

One thing i hate...i HATE is living in a house with 2 males. Every time i have to go to the bathroom i always manage to have to wipe pee off the damn toilet you know how annoying that it....not only does my son do it...but so does my damn husband. I cant count the number of times Ive woken up in the middle of the damn night with that lovely nightly urge to pee...i rush into the bathroom barley able to see whats in front of me...i sit down to feel a nasty wet spot on my ass....Its like dude...learn to aim..and its not like its all over the seat its just a pee drop but its still there. and its fucking gross! Another thing that's just as bad as pee on the having a 3 yr old who likes to talk your ear off...not so much that he talks..that he feels the best time to have a conversation with you is when you going number 2...yes i said it..ill be the first to admit it...i do poop like normal ppl..I will sneak away into the bathroom to have a nice pooping experience lol ill start to read my book and in will come all his glory...knowing he has caught me at a moment where i cant run away...i have to just sit and listen...he always starts out the same way..."mom...your my best are just my best best friend"....and he will go on to say stuff like "your my best friend so i think you should get me something to eat cause I'm so hungry." and all i can do is sit there and what a horrible time for a lecture about how hungry my child is. I always get that flash back of my mom telling me story's about how when she would go to the bathroom she would see my little fingers underneath the door just begging to come in. Some times i wanna just scream and tell Ben to least while I'm trying to give birth through my butt...

On a non bathroom note...i never realized how the past 23 yrs of my life has been so controlled...all my life time i got married at age 19 my parents told me who my Dr would be. then when i got married the military told me who my Dr would be and where i would go for child that we are getting out I'm faced with making these descions by myself...i mean it doesn't sound hard but coming from being in Montana where we have literally 1 Maryland that has like 30+ i have to figure out where i want to deliver..who i want to be my Dr..and with practically no help...i mean my moms there for me...but i man I'm so use to having the military or my parents tell me exactly what to do...I'm kinda life has been pretty controlled til now...I just wish someone would tell me where to go and what to'm still just trying to figure this crap out!


  1. I would be lost when we seperate from the military. There is just so much you have to do on your own. I wouldn't honestly know where to begin.

  2. hey im in the same boat as you. i got married when i was 18 and he was in the navy. Getting out of the military is hard. we have to count on having the state help us with health insurance for the kids and my self. Dave still has insurance thur the VA. The military is so different than real life. but its nice to have the kids have their dad always around. Im not sure if mike has a job lined up but it took dave 4 months to land a job here, and its not a job he wants. I wish we would of stayed in the navy. But its too late now. There are a tons of pro and cons. Tricare should be the same for all branches. you and ben should have insurance for, i think its 5 months after he gets out, and you should be able to go to any military facility and get free services, or if you go to a civilian place they pay a certain percentage. if you dont already know just call tricare they should tell you everything. i tried delivering at nnmc again, but we lost it a month before my son was born.
