Friday, August 13, 2010

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Its 7:11am, im awake, i just took my husband to work, and im feel a bit chitty chatty. I hate this part of the morning. I hate it because im not a morning person. And no im not just saying that. I really am! And i dont choose to be this way. From being a teen i remember knowing i was differant when it came to sleeping. I had trouble getting tired at night. And usually stayed up past my bed time. Then in the morning it was extremely hard to get up and function through the day. I remember alot of high school i slept in my classrooms. Sounds like a normal teenager? Not so much. I even skiped a butt load of school in middle school due to this problem. I would stay up late. And when it came time to wake, id get in the everything you do when getting ready for school but the second my parents walked out the door i would crawl back into bed. I got indoor suspension for the amounth of time i missed. I even forged notes from my parents during this time. I thought i was being a normal kid. Well now im 23, and it has progressovly gotten worse. I went to the dr and they gave me the most common diagnois out there. Insomnia! I was on sleeping meds. But again im not normal. Ived tryed so many. First before i got diagnosed i tryed Tylonal pm...night quill...sleep aids...and they were all the same. Helped for about 3 days..then nothing. Id take it and boom id still be awake. The dr. gave me Lunesta...and again the same thing. It did work for about a week but now when id take it (cant cause im preggy) but when i just stopped working. Id take it and then not only could i not eat or drink but i was stuck til 3am or later. WHATS WRONG WITH ME? I was constantly asking myself this question. Why cant i go to bed at a normal hour for a long period of time and wake up in the morning, in the early morning. In stead i get to go to bed sometime after 2am and wake sometimes at noon or later in the day. Then it happened. One night on one of my sleepless everyday time, i was watching True Life on MTV. And that show has helped me put a name to the face of my sleeping problems. A young girl had trouble falling asleep and waking up. She had whats called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. Everything about this girls story and everyday life and the same as mine. Cant fall asleep before a certain time, sleeps all day, and if woken before her sceduled wake up time she was basically a zombie all day long. I couldnt believe it. Someone that is exactly like me, so i decided to do some searching. And heres what i found

"Delayed sleep-phase syndrome (DSPS), also known as delayed sleep-phase disorder (DSPD) or delayed sleep-phase type (DSPT), is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, a chronic disorder of the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, the core body temperature rhythm, hormonal and other daily rhythms, relative to societal requirements. People with DSPS generally fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty waking up in the morning.[1]

Often, people with the disorder report that they cannot sleep until early morning, but fall asleep at about the same time every "night". Unless they have another sleep disorder such as sleep apnea in addition to DSPS, patients can sleep well and have a normal need for sleep. Therefore, they find it very difficult to wake up in time for a typical school or work day. If, however, they are allowed to follow their own schedules, e.g. sleeping from 4 a.m. to noon, they sleep soundly, awaken spontaneously, and do not experience excessive daytime sleepiness.
The syndrome usually develops in early childhood or adolescence.[2] An adolescent version disappears in adolescence or early adulthood; otherwise DSPS is a lifelong condition. Depending on the severity, it can be to a greater or lesser degree treatable. Prevalence among adults, equally distributed among women and men, is approximately 0.15%, or 3 in 2,000"

Now that i know what is wrong with me i can begin to fix it. But let me dumb it down for you. Basically My normal sleeping clock is missing a few nuts and bolts. So instead of being like most of the population. I have trouble fall asleep before 2am. Thats my set time as im learning. And then when left alone to sleep fully without interuptions. I sleep peacefully until about 1-2pm. See most "normal" people gernerally go to bed sometime around 9pm and wake around 6-7am. And then get a burst of energy a few hours after wakeing. With me mines just all screwed up. Its the same scedule just set at differant times. I get a burt of energy around 4-5pm rather then 9-10am. Now how to fix this...hmm well from what im learning from research basically you have to manually reset your own time clock. Sounds easy but for someone like me its anything but. I have to everynight go to bed earlier and earlier and the theroy is you will awake earlier and earlier...but now that i have kids i find this hard to do. Speaking of kids im sure you wondering what about ben? Wheres ben in all this. He's showing signs of this disorder as well. So he's usually asleep with me when im asleep and usually awake when im awake. Sad to say but its true. Ive tryed to fix his clock but its harder in a toddler. So every night when you see me online...and wonder what the hell is she doing up. And then ontop of it why am i never up during the day, now you know.
But now im faced with a bigger problem. I havent had a really good nights sleep in a long time. My husband recently got a DUI about 2 months ago. Since then he hasnt been allowed to drive on guess who gets to be his personal driver. ME...oh fucking joy to the god damn world. Now that you know that if my sleep is inturoped i sleep do you think its been for the past 2 months have to be going to anywhere between 2am-4am and then being woken up at 630am. I dont sleep very well. This is why half the time ive been staying up til about 7am takin him to work...and then going to bed and having a pretty peaceful sleep until i have to pick him up again at 330. Which fucking sucks. So needless to say i havent gotten much good sleep in 2 month. I hope writing this helps answer some questions...maybe im not the only one out of my friends with this problem. But hey 3 out of 2, not guessing it but i dont know if ill actually meet someone out there in person like me.


  1. Sounds like me. Exspecially in high school. I almost didn't graduate on time cause u missed soo much. And when I'm really stressed. Being a stay at home mom, it will deff do it to would think having kids you would get up early with them and stay up and have energy but when you add in stress and depression it just makes it worse. Zachary use to be on the same schedule as me. Until my husband jumped on me about it. We would sleep late then wake up late. But one day u put my foot down and put our selves to ve every night at 9. He didn't like it at first but now it's been a routine. For me I have those night when i'm up late bored and can't sleep. It even has gotten to the point I would stay up layin in the bed biting my nails for three hours before I would fall sleep. I took on babysitting so I will Have to be up early and wouldt be able to go back to sleep since the baby isn't one of mine so I can't just pawn them off to my parents. It's hard exspecially with a second child. You just have to tell your self you can do it. Tell yourself you are doing it for your kids. You don't want them to be like that wen they start school and sleep cause they are tired. My doctor said you put yourself in that bad rountine now you have to get your self out. And be motivated. You have to want to change. With Ben you should just put him in his room at a certain time. Don't let him play or get out of his bed, keep the lights out. He may cry but he will cry himself to sleep and if you keep doing it. He should make it a routine. It's kinda like getting a kid to sleep in their own bed in their own room. Zachary slept in our room for the first two years. Then when he turned two we made him sleep in his own he would get out of bed and open the the door screaming and crying I would just go in put him back in his and told him not to get out of his bed. I said it firm and he didn't get out. He cried his self to bed for the next 4 days. Then the 5 th day we told him get in bed we gave hugs and kisses and he would fall fast asleep. It's easier said then done. Sorry it's so long I'm on my iPod so i hope this all makes since. And I hope you can concure this before the baby is born. Other wise you are in for it : )

  2. Concure? It's suppose to say cure. And one more thing I can't beleve he is getting kicked out for a DUI. They must be more strict
    Than the navy cause they have tons of people getting in trouble for that the only time they kick people out is for drinking underage.

  3. WEll believe me bens on a schedule. He's usually in bed by 10. but his natural clock wakes him up @ 2am. So we have been putting him to bed @ midnight casue then he atleast sleep though the night til about 7am. So it has nothing to do with a scedule it has to do with his natural clock. And its alot harder to fix then just go back into bed over and over. We have tired that. He's not able to run out all his energy like most kids cause of our neighbors. so he has all this energy that just bottles up, so when bedtime comes he's still very hyper cause he wasnt able to play it out. So my hope is once we are out of here he can get the play time he needs and get to run out all that energy and then we can focus on fixing his problems

  4. They told Ryan he has Insomnia, but he sounds exactly like this...He easily sleeps until 2 or 3 pm after falling asleep between 2 & 4am...Perhaps I'll have him bring it up at his next dr. appointment...

  5. yea def. When i saw it i couldnt believe how similar it sounded to my problems. I would def have ryan check it out...the worse they can say is no LOL

  6. Well that was advise my doctor told me so I was just sharing. It happened to be a military doctor and usually they are wrog with alot of stuff. But it helped him.
