Sunday, August 8, 2010

SVU...or my own life?

I love it when I'm watching a show...and something about it makes me think about my own life...i was watching Law and Order SVU...and a guy (robin Williams) was charged with impersonating a police officer and telling a man to molest a teenager...he was found not guilty even though he was guilty as sin. But his whole point of it was that people don't ever question authority. It also came out that years earlier..his wife died during child birth and so did his unborn son...he told the Dr she needed a c-section..and the Dr ignored his wishes and continued on..she then bled to death from the umbilical cord and also resulting in the death of the child. He was doing all this stuff to show that you shouldn't be a sheep as he said..and just follow the heard you should question and stand up for whats right...It really made me think about all the abuse we've gone through with our neighbors..and how I'm putting my faith in the cops and the military to take care of this matter...when deep down i know its not going to get putting blind trust into an organization that (sorry for saying) really doesn't seem to give a damn too much about the military members families or well beings. I'm all for the military don't get me wrong...but when it comes to the rights and welfare of the service members family we basically don't exist. A good example is...we aren't allowed to get in trouble...if we do it reflects negatively on the service member...Another good example is how you tell the military how stressed your family is over something they don't hurry up to try to fix the issues..they basically just say "oh fucking well get the hell over it". If we weren't getting out of the military i would want to try to start something...a bill...or idk what you would call it. But just something that states that's our military isn't only the service members...its the families as well. And it pisses me off that the military always says that "oh our military is the serves members and families" yet you don't treat us like we are an important part. I get it...we are not the ones deploying, we aren't the ones risking our lives, but we are the ones who hold down the home front when the military member is gone. WE are mommy and Daddy a good portion of the time. We deal with life when they aren't able to be there. We stand by and support our troops and our military, yet we don't get any RESPECT in return. I'm so sick of having to bottle up my feelings and hope my husband has time in his busy work schedule to see the first should be allowed that the wives should be allowed to address issues with the commander, or the shirts when our husbands can not. And it doesn't cause a lashing on our husbands for it. Its frustrating to have everything that's going on...and feel totally helpless...i feel so let down by the military for what my neighbors have put us through, i really wish i could just go to the commander and express my feelings..and show him/her the affects its caused. But like I've stated before...we are the silent ranks...we are the ones who get no recognition, we are the ones who get no respect....hopefully something chances...if not for me...for the future Mrs. GI Joe.

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