Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moodswings, tampon removal, and shut the hell up already!

Man they say men don't have mood swings but i beg the differ, My husbands been driving me up a god damn wall. For the past week and a half all he does when he's home is bitch, and man its getting so annoying. Today, he got home...i was watching Dad camp minding my own. and i simply relayed a message, His Sgt called and said to have him call when he got home. So that's what i told him. He called and he told him he had to be in dress blues to see the first shirt tomarrow probley about our date and what not. But man then he started bitching about how his uniform had to be he said ill take it to a 1 hour dry when he called them and got off the phone i told him, that we were on "E" and that we needed gas so we couldn't leave...not being mean just letting him know. Well he goes off tell me to stop talking to him and that he's annoyed cause apparently me informing him of info is me bitching at him? how that works i have no damn idea. So i of course tell him to pull the tampon out and change it cause he's got bad PMS or something. and that kind of shit has been going on for the past week and half. Its driving me crazy. He bitches about EVERYTHING, he'll come home and ill be watching TV and he will wine that he wants to plan video games...well excuse got home late today and i wasn't watching anything when you were supposed to be home...but since you are an hour late getting home i decided to turn on an hour long show. Get over it. Man i don't know how much longer i can be hormonal and have to deal with his PMS. I love him but sometimes i wanna take him outback and beat him with a stick. I think he's got a case of my hormones, like how some guys gain weight during there wives pregnancies well he's gotten the hormones part of it. And its annoying. AHHHHH i think i should go and get him a pad or something...idk...give him some midol...

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